Christian couples, therefore, nourish and develop their marriage by undivided affection, which wells up from the fountain of divine love… [as] they remain faithful in body and in mind, in good times as in bad.
Introduction to the Rite of Marriage
Our parish family of Holy Angels shares your joy and excitement as you anticipate your wedding day. Your vocation to marriage will be an expression of your love and commitment to one another as well as a sign of the love of God for His people. It is important that you give the time and energy to prepare for this sacrament and the grace that God will pour out upon you, and we are pleased to assist you in the months to come.
Engaged couples who are interested in beginning the process of marriage preparation at Holy Angels should call the Parish Office at 440-708-0000. You may also submit a marriage request by completing the information below. Please note that no date will be set on the parish calendar until after the priest or deacon has spoken with the couple. Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance, or preferably a year. No date can be given to you for a wedding until you have met with the preparing minister.
Our Marriage Preparation Guide is meant to provide you with important information about the preparation process, and our Wedding Liturgy Guide will help you plan the wedding itself and outlines the parish policy for many common questions.
As you prepare for your wedding day, it is our hope that you will prayerfully reflect on the life you are beginning and how your faith can strengthen your marriage. God bless you on your journey.
Typically weddings are scheduled for Saturdays at 11am or 2pm. Weddings on other days of the week can be scheduled with the presider and depending upon the parish calendar. No date can be reserved for you until you have met with the preparing minister.
If two Catholics are being married, the wedding should take place within the context of mass, although exceptions can be made for good reason. If one party is not Catholic, then the wedding is usually not celebrated with mass.
If you aren’t parishioners we generally expect you to have some connection to our parish, such as having family in this area. At the absolute minimum, at least one person must be a practicing Roman Catholic.
Come to the Renewing the Covenant presentation which an introduction to Theology of the Body and Natural Family Planning. You will learn how we are called to reflect God’s love with our bodies.
For more information please contact the office at 440-708-0000.
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a holistic approach to family planning. Once learned it can be used to achieve or postpone a pregnancy. NFP is not a contraceptive as it does nothing to suppress or block conception. All natural methods are scientifically based on the woman’s pattern of fertility and infertility. Couples learn to understand, respect and appreciate their combined fertility. Today’s NFP is not the old Rhythm Method of the past. With proper instruction and following the few simple rules the methods are 98-99% effective.
The Office of Marriage and Family Ministry within the Diocese of Cleveland offers a range of services and resources to respond to the needs of couples, families, and indidviduals as they live out their Catholic faith. More more information click here.